Angleški oratorij o svetem Petru – English Oratory

Oratorij v angleškem jeziku pripravljajo sestre HMP in animatorji.

Vabljeni vsi angleško govoreči otroci ter slovenski osnovnošolci, ki  želite biti v družbi angleško govorečih otrok. Skupaj bomo spoznavali preprostega ribiča in prvega papeža – svetega Petra, skupaj bomo molili, se igrali, prepevali, izdelovali različne izdelke in šli na izlet.

Oratorij bo potekal pri sestrah HMP na Gornjem trgu v Ljubljani od 7. do 11. julija 2014. Prijave sprejemamo do zapolnitve prostih mest. Ker je število mest omejeno, pohitite s prijavami.

Cena celotnega programa znaša 50 €. Za več otrok iz družine je prispevek manjši. V kolikor bi prispevek zaradi finančne situacije težko poravnali, nam to sporočite. Prispevek poravnate ob prihodu prvi dan oratorija.

Prijavite se preko spodnjega spletnega obrazca, lahko pa tudi na e-naslov: (Kristina Krašna). Prav tako se lahko na ta naslov obrnete za dodatne informacije in pojasnila.



What is the English Oratory?

Oratory is a special summer programme for children where we meet new friends and together we play, sing, pray, learn to make new things in workshops, and just have fun. It was inspired by a special saint called John Bosco, who dedicated his life to the young.

The Oratory in English is prepared by the Salesian Sisters and animators.

Welcome English speaking children and Slovene pupils who are good at English and want to meet other English speaking children. Together we will get to know better the simple fisherman and first pope Saint Peter; we will pray, play together, sing, have different workshops and go on a trip.

The price of the whole programme is 50 €. For more children from the same family the price is lower. If the contribution is a problem for you, just let us know and we will arrange the whole thing.

The applications available on the following website:, also on the e-mail: (Kristina Krašna). There you will get more information.


Urnik – Timetable

8.30 Zbiranje – Arrival
9.00 Začetek – Start
9.15 Molitev – Prayer
9.45 Srečanje s svetim Petrom – Meeting our Friend Saint Peter
10.15 Kateheza – Catechesis
11.00 Odmor, malica – Break, snack
11.30 Delavnice – Arts and crafts
13.00 Kosilo – Lunch
14.30 Velika igra – Big Playtime
16.00 Zaključek – Final part